Inspiring with design and print

Fast delivery

Creative Design

Easy Payment

24 Hour Support

Welcome to Universal Crystal Print, a proud affiliate of TG Holdings, stands as a distinctive force in the realm of commercial printing, and publishing. Our unparalleled commitment lies in presenting an exhaustive array of printing solutions across Ghana and the entirety of Africa.



An exceptional printing company, setting ourselves apart with an unparalleled array of printed products and services. Embodying the ultimate printing haven, we seamlessly cater to every facet of your printing journey, from initial concept to final realization.


years of experience


Happy Clients



Environmental sustainability

Current cards/paper on the Ghanaian market are non-degradable, having used non-rechargeable bio-carbons as a source of manufacture. These are detrimental to the environment.

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Trusted by

Recent projects

Our distinguishing factor lies in our ability to deliver a complete print process across the entire print industry landscape. We epitomize the all-inclusive hub that covers the entire spectrum of the print industry.